Monday, April 16, 2007

Making Sense of Senselessness

There are only two ways to live your life:

One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.

-- Einsten

I choose the latter. Even on tragic days like these, when I wonder what has happened to our culture and mainstream society to bring about such horrifying events as those at Virginia Tech, I try to remind myself of all the wonderful, fascinating, miraculous things that happen at every moment of every day.

Like the little lizard this evening, that found itself trapped in the middle of the trail with me madly tromping its way and how it dis-camoflouged itself and flashed its bright lime green belly that I might see it and run around him versus flattening him. Or the two little miracles across the street from me...twin girls born exactly 9 nine months after their father returned home from an 18-month tour in Iraq. And Mars...its bright white light shining so boldly in the moonlit an omniscient caretaker of planet Earth. And even the big schizophrenic Newfie-collie mutt that is my "Teddy" bear, who at this moment, so gently rests his paws on my bare toes that he might keep them warm and toasty...Life is a miracle.

So when life is suddenly and senselessly taken away, where does that leave us? Without a miracle?

The events of today were indeed a tragedy. And my heart pours out to the victims and the loved ones directly affected by these senseless acts of violence. Any words now cannot heal the pain or succinctly capture even an ounce of the grief.

But just as the sun will still rise tomorrow, let us be reminded that so too can our lives continue to be blessed with miracles.

In peace and prayer,

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